Chimpanzee 5'-EST
Clone | Identifier of 5'-EST sequences. Clone IDs (PstA, etc.) denote cDNA libraries from which they are derived. (see cDNA libraries in this page.) If the sequence is submitted to DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank, link is available. |
Length | Nucleotide sequence length (bp). |
Hit | Number of homologous RefSeq sequences obtained from BLAST search results (E = 1e-60). |
Block | Number of homologous sequence blocks between the chimpanzee-human top hit pair. For the top hit, NMs (curated mRNAs) were prefered than NRs (curated ncRNA) in case the same score with them. |
E value | The statistical significance threshold for reporting matches against database sequences. Lower E values are more stringent. |
Length of 5'-UTR | Available for RefSeq NM (curated mRNA) homologs. The length (bp) of 5'-UTR (untranslated region: upstream region from translation start site (TSS)) was assigned by comparison to RefSeq mRNAs. Minus value denotes length downstream from TSS of RefSeq. Parentheses denote putative length, because of non-alignable TSSs between human and chimpanzee. |
Human RefSeq
Location | Mapped position on the human chromosome. (ex. "10p15.3" denotes chromosome 10, p (short) arm and 15.3 band) |
Length | Nucleotide sequence length (bp). |
Length of 5'-UTR | Available for NM (curated mRNA) sequences. |
Accession number | Identifier of RefSeq sequences. Sequences with acccession prefixes of NM (curated mRNA) or NR (curated ncRNA) were used. |
Definition | RefSeq definition describing the approved gene name, HUGO gene symbol, etc.. |
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) cDNA libraries (Prefixes of clone IDs)
PccA, PccB | Brain, cerebellum cortex |
PflB, PflC | Brain, cerebrum cortex, frontal lobe (right hemisphere) |
PorA, PorB | Brain, cerebrum cortex, occipital lobe (right hemisphere) |
PlvA | Liver |
PstA | Skin, epidermal tissue |